SUR/TECH Sponsorships
Get your brand in front of our audience!
Contact Kevin Scullen, ABYC Membership Director at to learn more.
GOLD Sponsor
*1 sponsor capacity
Most prominent logo on event website, brochure, signage, and verbal acknowledgement
Recognition as a Gold Sponsor in ABYC eNewsletter (7,000+ sent monthly)
Three (3) free seats at SUR/TECH
Placement of marketing materials at event check-in
Opportunity for sponsored video to play during breaks
Signage during evening welcome reception for in-person attendees
SILVER Sponsor
*4 sponsor capacity,
Logo on event website, brochure, signage, and verbal acknowledgement
Recognition as Silver Sponsor in ABYC eNewsletter (7,000+ sent monthly)
Two (2) free seats at SUR/TECH
Placement of marketing materials at event check-in
Opportunity for sponsored video to play during breaks
BRONZE Sponsor
*6 sponsor capacity,
Logo on event website, brochure, signage, and verbal acknowledgement
Recognition as a Bronze Sponsor in ABYC eNewsletter (7,000+ sent monthly)
One (1) free seats at SUR/TECH
Placement of marketing materials at event check-in
Specialty Sponsorships
All specialty sponsors also have logo on ABYC SUR/TECH website and in promotional emails.

Lanyard Sponsor
Exclusive sponsor logo on lanyards used for all attendees

Lunch Sponsor
Logo on lunch signage while served between sessions each day

Coffee Sponsor
$750 each
Logo on coffee signage during coffee breaks (2 per day). Sponsor one or more!

Breakfast Sponsor
Logo on breakfast signage while served before sessions each morning

Reception Sponsor
In-person attendees are invited to a welcome reception the evening before SUR/TECH (March 26 at ABYC HQ). Sponsorship includes logo on signage and verbal thank you from ABYC President.